*The Secure Online Viewer permission provides a view of the file within a browser tab (i.e. Documents deleted from a Protected Document Library are no longer accessible to anyone, regardless of their location (even copies of the document downloaded and stored on local computers).Also, if a user had previously downloaded a protected document to their computer, and subsequently their permissions have been changed in SecureShare, the user will NOT be able to open the file. For example, a protected document emailed to a recipient who does not have permission to the document (as granted via SecureShare permission groups), cannot be open by the recipient. Documents may not be accessed by any user who does not currently have permissions to the document, regardless of that file’s location.Documents can be opened within a secure internet browser in order to view the contents online, provided the user has proper permissions to the documents.Documents can be automatically watermarked with the name of the user accessing the protected document at the time, as well as the date/time the file has been opened by that user.All actions a user may perform on protected files including view, edit, copy/paste and print are controlled by SecureShare permissions groups (as specified when initially creating the workspace in which the Protected Documents library was added as a component).Security features of protected documents include: Access to content within protected libraries in SecureShare is controlled by permission groups. Users must authenticate their credentials in order to access a protected document – whether the document is stored in SecureShare, or elsewhere. With DRM applied, documents are referred to as protected documents in SecureShare and are housed in Protected Document Libraries. Protected Document Libraries include a security feature, Digital Rights Management (DRM), which adds a security layer to each document within the library which protects document content from unauthorized access or dissemination.